Mount Jo – New York

The plans for a weekend packed from start to finish with skiing were soon dashed by a wave of warm weather hitting the region. After a month of decent low temperatures everything was melting. Having spent Saturday mostly cross country skiing, the day was finished when the rain began to fall. I don’t mind skiingContinue reading “Mount Jo – New York”

Visiting far places and cycling Great Glens

After a day of enforced rest due to yet more high winds. We opted for a tour to the furthest westerly point in mainland UK. Ardnamurchan. This gorgeous peninsular involved a short ferry trip before creeping along the roads that meandered along the coastline. It was gorgeous particularly as the colours were changing as autumnContinue reading “Visiting far places and cycling Great Glens”

Photo Frenzy

The summer has certainly hit the UK shores and with holiday season in full swing I thought it would be great to share some of your travels, adventures and weekend mini adventures. If you have any epic pictures that you would like to share drop me an email with the picture and a bit about theContinue reading “Photo Frenzy”