As we start our 4th week at sea ……..

Despite being on a boat 45ft long and a rigid pattern of rowing or not rowing every 2 hours it is incredibly hard to sum up 3 weeks out in the deep blue Atlantic Ocean.
There has been a definite increase in on board battering and trading mostly involving chocolate bars which have become “hot currency” and are the pinnacle for trading and bet making for the trip and more importantly the 6 Nations’ results..

Now Tim isn’t a fan of Snickers so in his wisdom he was putting his all left overs from each day’s ration pack including his Snickers into the “spares (or left overs) bag”. Pete spotted an opportunity when sifting through the spares bag, and took the Snickers and munched them, which Tim noticed. One day Tim said that as Pete had been eating his Snickers he owed him a Double Decker! Pete was shocked by this and although he went through begrudgingly with this deal was a little upset as he thought “the spares” were fair game; and to ensure any further raids on his rations by Tim (or the other crew members) munched his way through all the remaining goodies in his ration pack over the next 5 minutes 😉

There have been many special moments – when we passed the halfway mark between Barbados and Porto Mogan, witnessed shooting stars and caught, but didn’t land, our first Dorado. We have coped with rogue waves and issues with our power and have been on water rations ever since.

From a rowing perspective the 3rd week meant we hadn’t got as far, or as fast, as we hoped due to broken daggerboards, bad currents, low winds and a natural spectacle of a lightening storm. This was particularly impressive although thoughts of what was higher than an ocean rowing boat in the middle of the ocean with nothing else around did get us thinking about the odds of a direct hit by lightening. Fortunately the storm tracked away from us and we were just left watching the all night light show of forks of lightening came down.

All that is left is more rowing, eating, sleeping and now a new addition more time is being spent by everyone looking after sore bums and other aches and pains

3 thoughts on “As we start our 4th week at sea ……..

  1. Benno! You are constantly going faster than Titan 13! Keep at it and you will beat their time across. They are still about 3 – 4 days out at their present speed. You are not too much more than that! Have a couple of rums for me when you set foot (unsteadily) in Port St Charles please! All the best mate to you and the crew.
    Roger G

  2. Now you know why it was so hard to tell you how it feels out there. Always SO many different things in your body and mind. The only thing you can take from it in the end, is that YOU have crossed an ocean in a rowing boat! You did the very best you could at the time and the ocean has a way of reminding us all just how small we are. You did what others can’t imagine and will never even attempt. Brilliant effort and – it seems an small thing to say but – Well done! Proud to know you!

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