The Next Challenge

Since getting back I have been asked quite a few times on “what next” or “how do you top rowing the Atlantic”, both very difficult questions to answer. Despite the fact that there was plenty of time to think on board and so many different forms, types and ideas for my next challenge it’s allContinue reading “The Next Challenge”

Extreme Dieting: Ocean Rowing

Last year saw me write about my experiences of following a nutritional plan after meeting up with Rin from PND consulting ( to get me up to the recommended weight to row an ocean. Not only has she worked as a dietician for a number of years but she has also put it into practiseContinue reading “Extreme Dieting: Ocean Rowing”

The Final Stretch

Its taken a wee bit longer to get onto the computer to write this up but I’m now finally getting round to it. Hopefully this will be a bit of a rolling start for the others. Our speeds towards the end of the 4th week had begun to slow, partly due to the conditions butContinue reading “The Final Stretch”

As we start our 4th week at sea ……..

Despite being on a boat 45ft long and a rigid pattern of rowing or not rowing every 2 hours it is incredibly hard to sum up 3 weeks out in the deep blue Atlantic Ocean. There has been a definite increase in on board battering and trading mostly involving chocolate bars which have become “hotContinue reading “As we start our 4th week at sea ……..”

Attack of the flying fish

There have been slight technical problems as I thought I was sending updates to my blog but they haven’ t arrived so… I have a lot of catching up to do after this update; possibly going to be a bit of a catch up session on everything that has happened so far, will see howContinue reading “Attack of the flying fish”

Avalon Sea Trials

Yesterday was the first sea trials in Avalon in Gran Canaria and what an experience it was. The morning started earlier than recently meeting at the marina for 8 am as we had been informed that our boat was to be moved by this huge crane.   Couple of issues with this. Firstly there wasContinue reading “Avalon Sea Trials”

Atlantic Row D-day

The day has finally arrived when we set off. I’m writing this slightly ahead of schedule as I’m not sure how much time we will have prior to going. It’s been building over the 10 days or so with anticipation but I cannot wait to get out there. Waiting for the weather window has beenContinue reading “Atlantic Row D-day”

Final Preparations in Gran Canaria

Last weekend I left the wet and windy shores of scotland bound for Gran Canaria ahead of the start of the Atlantic Row 2013 campaign. I was very fortunate and managed to get extra leg room, a bit of a blessing on a 4 hour flight! I was sat next to a couple who wereContinue reading “Final Preparations in Gran Canaria”

The Benefits of a Christmas Diet

Following on from my last blog about meeting my nutritionist who made a number of suggestions on how I can increase my weight but in a way that wasn’t just in extra squidgy bits. I took to following her advice as much as possible. Apart from the idea of eating something like tofu which IContinue reading “The Benefits of a Christmas Diet”